Saturday, June 11, 2016

Mary Magdalen Raised to the Rank of an Apostole

(Rome) The Daily Bulletin of the Holy See announced in a decree on Friday at the express request of Pope Francis that on the Memorial of Saint Mary Magdalen, 22 July, she will be elevated to the rank of apostle.
The publications in Latin decree is officially dated June 3, thus the memorial is to be raised in the rank of the feast in the General Roman Calendar.
The measure is based on the Church Father St. Hippolytus of Rome (about 170-235), who described her as "apostle of the apostles" in the early 3rd century.
In the Church's history Maria Magdalena  has been known as the patron saint of women and the repentant sinners. In the Catholic tradition, Mary Magdalene is identified with the sinner that washed Jesus' feet (Lk 7.36 to 50).

Sainte-Baume, "Holy Cave" of Mary Magdalene in Provence

Tradition links Saint Maria Magdalena with the evangelization of Provence. In Sainte-Baume (Occitan Santo Baumo) is the "holy cave" of Mary Magdalene. At least since the early 5th century there has been a monastic community and the Dominicans are responsible for the pilgrimage today. 
By decree, the reformulated Latin preface was simultaneously published in which  Mary Magdalene is called apostolorum Apostola. It is explicitly stated in the daily bulletin that the amendment was adopted "at the express wish of the Holy Father Francis".

Prefacio de Apostolorum apostola

Vere dignum et iustum est,
Aequum et salutare,
nos te, Pater Omnipotens,
cuius non minor est misericórdia quam potestas,
in ómnibus Praedicare by Christ Dominum nostrum.
Qui in Hortu Manifestus apparuit Mariae magdalenae,
quippe quae eum diléxerat vivéntem,
in cruce víderat moriéntem ,
quæsíerat in Sepulcro iacéntem,
ac prima adoráverat a mortuis resurgéntem,
et eam Apostolatus officio coram Apostolis honorávit
ut bonum Novae vitæ núntium
ad mundi fines perveníret.
Unde et nos, Dómine, cum Angelis et Sanctis universis
tibi confitémur, dicentes in exsultatióne:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth ...
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons (Madonna and Child between Saints Mary Magdalene and Ursula, Giovanni Bellini, 1490)
Trans: Tancred


  1. Although this saint is very mush worthy of honor, this is rather outrageous to call her an in the 12 Apostles, because Jesus Christ himself chose his 12 Apostles and she was not among them. Nor was she considered one later on.
    Neither was the greatest of Jesus' apostles, his own Mother. Jesus did not choose her to be one of the 12, although she was present at Pentecost.
    I think this is just another little bow to the femminists. First it was Francis's promise to form a study group about women deacons....something I hope falls by the wayside. Now it is this.
    If Benedict XVI had done this, I would value it, for he was/is a scholar and was a true Pope.
    For Francis, I think it's just a stunt.
    Damian Malliapalli

    1. Did the Lord wash her feet at the Upper Room? Was she ordained by the Lord at the Last Supper with the words, "Do this in memory of Me?"

      St. Paul was personally commissioned by the Lord as an apostle by appearing to him after the resurrection. St. Matthias was elected in the first conclave by the College of Apostles to replace Judas Iscariot. Was St. Mary Magdalen one of the men to whom Our Lord said, "Go out to all the world and preach the good news Receive the Holy Spirit - whose sins thou shalt forgive will be forgiven them; whose sins thou shalt retain shall be retained?" Was she given the faculty to forgive sins, drive away evil spirits, heal the sick, i.e., as in the sacraments?

      If St. Mary Magdalen were a member of the college, why wasn't the Blessed Mother?

      St. Mary Magdalen funded the Galilean ministry, but so did Joanna, wife of Chusa, Susanna, and other women. Were these women also ordained by the Lord?

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. You must be correct, it's for the ladies. Having appeased Muslims, Jews, Atheists, Protestants, Marxists, Globalists, Environmentalists, the Feminists want theirs.

    4. Apparently, Anthony Ruff doesn't see or doesn't want people to see the obvious connection.

    5. PF is bent upon twisting and confusing everything , truth and teaching of the Magistarium of the Catholic Church deliberately that confirms his invalidity as the Head of the church.
      He is the Leader of the antichrists ,enemies inside and outside of the Holy Mother church. Days are nearing that the Lord may punish us and them soon with all kinds disasters.
      According to him he will not resign and he is dreaming that he will live long ,may be another 20 years !
      God is patient and allows all these heretics to punish the terrible sinful world. Faithless majority of the world.
      Let us save our souls through prayer and Penance. Our Blessed Mother will not abandon us. We beg all the Faithful Bishops and Priests to offer their daily Holy Sacrifice of Mass devoutly to draw the mercy of God . It is our hope and humble requests to them.
      Thousands of Rosaries prayed daily may save us . Fatima Centinary is at hand . Western countries are already ruined .

    6. Marie' s comments are apt with very correct and the best examples . Every one has to read her comments and it is a pity that PF is either is ignorant and exposes himself and proves his stupidity.

    7. Christ never ordained anyone to anything anytime. 'Ordination' and 'sacrificial priesthood' were notions applied in some way to the One Priest of the New Testament, Christ.
      Ordained priests only appeared in the fourth century.

    8. Michael're an idiot. And you seem to be very proud of your ignorance.

      Jesus most certainly 'ordained' the Apostles as priests at the Last Supper. The word 'hagiazo' is used multiple times in John 17...the Greek word with the same meaning as the Hebrew word for 'ordain, sanctify, set-aside, consecrate'. It is the same word used in the Old Testament for the ordination of priests. Jesus ordained His priests that night.

    9. Ordained priests appeared on Great and Holy Thursday when Our Lord said: Do this in anamnesis of me.

    10. ....and, St. Paus specifically speaks numerous times about the laying on of hands in relation to the consecration of episcopos and presbuteroi (bishops and priests). Don't think St. Paul was around much in the 4th century.

      protestant much?

    11. Dear Susan,

      Thank you for your posts of 6/11 and 6/12. Obviously, Our Lord IS the Great High Priest. Every Catholic priest participates in the one Priesthood of Christ.

      On our Ukrainian Greek Catholic calendar, St. Mary Magdalene is called Equal to the Apostles. However, her Feast Day doesn't have a polyeleos rank like the Feasts of the Twelve Apostles, e.g. Sts. Bartholomew and Barnabas whose Feast was yesterday (June 11). It's just a commemoration.

      However, unlike the women Martyrs, she does get her own Troparion and Kontakion:

      Honorable Mary Magdalene, you followed Christ, born for us of a Virgin, and kept the commands of His will; wherefore we celebrate today your holy memory. Obtain for us the remission of our sins. (Tone 1 Troparion)

      Let us all sing a hymn of praise and a special canticle to the disciple of Christ, Mary Magdalene, the first ointment-bearing woman: for she was a messenger of joy to the disciples. Let us praise the God of All who lavished upon us and upon the world such a fountain of wonders and miracles. (Kontakion, Tone 3)

      Quite frankly, I think that she would be the first one to say that she didn't deserve the title of Apostle.

      In Christ the King,


    12. Margaret, thank you for the excellent elaboration on the issue...the Troparion and Kontankion are beautiful. There is much, MUCH to love in the clarity, cogency, and beautiful theological expression of the East.

      I know we're past Pascha, but I think it's always appropriate to say, "Christos Anesti!".

      God be with you.

    13. In John's Gospel the principal gesture at Jesus' final meal with his disciples was foot washing.
      You're building a case on assumptions founded on eisegesis not exegesis. Read what the old conservative men of the Pontifical Biblical Commission wrote in their report to Pope Paul VI in 1976, that there is no mention in Scripture or the early post-Apostolic Fathers, of 'ordination' or 'priesthood' which applies to anyone except Christ (Letter to the Hebrews)in the first Christian centuries.

    14. You're an idiot.

      Iranaeus, Ignatius, Polycarp, heck Peter, Paul, Titus, Timothy ALL considered themselves fact bishops. Read "Against Heresies" by Ignatius you asshat.

      And Hebrews was written to the converted clergy class to stiffen their spines.

      protestants are the kings of eisegesis.

    15. 'episkopos' means 'overseer' or 'manager' of the community. The term and job description was borrowed straight from the Jewish synagogue because the first several generations of Christians were Jewish. They needed an organisational plan as their communities grew. So the borrowed from the Synagogue. Another term and function they carried with them was 'presybteros' which simply means 'elder,' The 'Elders' were regarded in the early Church as the authentic successors of the Apostles but the 'episkopoi', the managerial class lifted the title and function from the Elders early in the second century. Neither title had anything remotely to do with them being 'sacrificial priests'. That terminology began to be used in the late third, early fourth century.
      Furthermore, until well after the ascendancy of the 'episkopoi' after Constantine, the Eucharist continued in the house churches where the Memorial of the Lord was led by women and men who provided the regular venues. It's history.

    16. The bishops are the overseers (!) It's an Acts 1 (!) The word priest comes from presbuteroi (!)'re grasping at protestant straws to try to make the Church into luther's image, which it NEVER was.

      Ya wanna see early Church Michael?...seriously, read the St. Iranaeus' "Against Heresies"; read all of St. Justin Maryr; read the Fathers (!) and let go of jimmy swagart and joel osteen.

      "To be deep in history is to cease to be protestant" (!!!!!)

    17. No, it's protest--ant revisionism. Just like luther arbitrarily tossed out books of the Bible that did not jive with his heretical views.

    18. It is clearly a move to please the feminists and to pave the way for the ordination of deaconesses. Just you watch. As the Year of Mercy was coordinated with the two fraudulent "Synods on the Family" to push through appeals to mercy the case-by-case communion for the divorced and re-married, this is the second step towards female ordination---the first being his promise to study (as if it had not been, which Francis knows perfectly well it was and ruled out) the question of ordaining deaconesses. His revolutionary agenda proceeds apace, with a new bold step almost on a weekly schedule, and the orthodox prelates wring their hands in silence. The flock of Christ's orthodox believers has been delivered to the wolves. Edmund

    19. aaaaand, Louis Verecchio has a most excellent comment on the upcoming synod, with end-game goal most likely being the obliteration of clerical celebacy...Barnum and beloved Tancred, take note....

      "Francis has pushed, and pushed, and pushed the modernist envelope to the very edge of outright apostasy, and yet there has been nary a meaningful peep from any of the Apostles’ successors.

      He literally declared in Amoris Laetitia that adultery isn’t necessarily a mortal sin (and may even be God’s will!) and the most noteworthy episcopal response to date has been a call for deeper analysis!

      As I write, it has been nearly three weeks since Archbishop Gänswein confirmed, in the starkest terms possible, that Benedict did not intend to abandon the Petrine ministry – the only way to render the See of Peter vacant for a successor – but rather simply to relinquish some portion thereof; a proposition that no serious Catholic considers even remotely possible.

      And still, not one of the more than 5,000 bishops has stepped forward to address this gravely important matter publicly.

      As it is, the naïve, the ignorant, and the confused, having been left fatherless, simply assume that the Keys to the Kingdom truly are in the hands of this madman who hates the Catholic faith. Furthermore, most appear prepared to follow wherever his whims may lead.

      Long story short, the Devil seems well aware that time is running short. The crisis in the Church is now progressing at hyper-speed…

      So brace yourself, my friends; barring divine intervention, I am convinced that we should expect clerical celibacy to be among the not-too-distant casualties of Francis’s unholy war on tradition."

    20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    21. yes, and they're the norm.........not.


    22. Tancred obviously considers your attempted responses so feeble and lacking any genuine defensible academic rigor that he has to delete my counter points which clearly unhinge you, Susan.
      Put the comics away for crying out loud and read a few decent books. It'll be a novel experience.

    23. hey jackwad...he deleted 'dwight' of your many nom de stupids.

      Guess you'll always be a schizo, gaybriel. Grow up.

    24. "Christ never ordained anyone to anything anytime."

      Yes, Protestants often make this claim.

    25. Another academically challenged Calvinist.

    26. "Yes, Protestants often make this claim." You are in a better position that I to say this, Athelstane, so I defer to your knowledge in that area.
      Many Catholic historians and especially Sacramental historian have taken up the findings of the Pontifical Biblical Commission in their report to Pope Paul VI in 1976. The PBC was then made up of rather elderly conservative scholars who were valued a disinterested professionalism in their study of the Scriptures and the early post-Apostolic Fathers.
      They concluded that there is no evidence in either of those sources to prove that there was either 'ordination' or 'sacrificial priesthood' applied to anyone but Christ for the first centuries of Christianity.
      'Do this in memory of me' is not an ordination rite and never has been. It is a mandatum to Anamnesis (Memory) which later became sacramental in the Eucharist.
      The 'laying on of hands' is not intrinsically sacramental either. It was and is, in various forms, a gesture of commissioning.
      The Sacrament of Order developed over centuries. Baptism into Christ was there from Pentecost onwards. The rest of the Sacramental system evolved from Christian reflection on the meaning of their lives in the light of their common Baptism. No Sacrament trumps Baptism.

    27. "....rather elderly conservative scholars who were valued a disinterested professionalism in their study of the Scriptures and the early post-Apostolic Fathers"....yeah right, in the mold of Curren, O'Brien, Kung, and the 33rd degree mason Bugnini.

      You wouldn't know scholarship if it bit you in the butt. Anamnesis does not simply mean 'memorial or memory''re an asshat. It has a deeper, metaphysical meaning, on a par with 'to make present' at an event or time.

      read. the. Fathers. The real ones, not your protestant ones...and quick clue; Jim Baker and Tammy Fay aren't fathers.


      President: Franjo Cardinal Seper, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation For the Doctrine of the Faith

      Secretary: Msgr. Albert Deschamps, Titular Bishop of Tunis


      Rev. Jose Alonso-Diaz, SJ
      Rev. Jean-Dominique Barthelemy, OP
      Rev. Pierre Benoit, OP
      Rev. Raymond Brown, PSS
      Rev. Henri Cazelles, PSS
      Msgr. Alfons Deissler
      Rev. Ignace de la Potterie, SJ
      Rev. Jacques Dupont, OSB
      Msgr. Savatore Garofalo
      Rev. Joachim Gnilka
      Rev. Pierre Grelot
      Rev. Alexander Kerrigan, OFM
      Rev. Lucien Legrand, MEP
      Rev. Stanislas Lyonnet, SJ
      Rev. CarloMartini, SJ
      Rev. Antonio Moreno Casamitjana
      Rev. CeslasSpicq, OP
      Rev. DavidStanley, SJ
      Rev. Benjamin Wambacq, OPraem

      Technical Secretary: Rev. Marino Maccarelli, OSM

      1. Annuario Pontificio, 1977, p. 1073.

    29. picked one of your crew at random....

      Raymond E. Brown:
      Brown was professor emeritus at the Protestant Union Theological Seminary (UTS) in New York, where he taught for 29 years. Brown was one of the first Catholic scholars to apply historical-critical analysis to the Bible….he denied the inerrancy of the whole of Scripture and cast doubt on the historical accuracy of numerous articles of the Catholic faith.


    30. More like a heretical biblical commission.

    31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    32. Raymond E. Brown:
      Brown was professor emeritus at the Protestant Union Theological Seminary (UTS) in New York, where he taught for 29 years. Brown was one of the first Catholic scholars to apply historical-critical analysis to the Bible….he denied the inerrancy of the whole of Scripture and cast doubt on the historical accuracy of numerous articles of the Catholic faith."

      St Jerome and Origen were amongst the earliest Christian exegetes who used the equivalent of the historical-critical method later affirmed as a standard interpretative instrument by Pope Pius XII in Divino Afflanto Spiritu and by Vatican II's Dei Verbum.
      If Brown 'cast doubt' on the historical accuracy of certain articles of the Christian faith, then why was he not his subject to official bans and prohibitions by the CDF?

  2. Francis led by the Protestants…

  3. Also, doesn't Our Blessed Virgin Mother have more of a right to be called an apostle than St. Mary Magdalen? Our B.V.M. was in the Upper Room on Pentecost; St. Mary Magdalen was not.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Much as I love Saint Mary Magdalen, she was not a member of "the Twelve."

    She was sent only to the Apostles to tell them the good news of the Resurrection. Unlike the post-resurrection apostles - i.e., Sts. Paul, Matthias, and maybe, Barnabas - she was not sent out to "preach the gospel to all nations, baptizing them, etc."

    There was no mention of her being at table in the Last Supper, when Christ ordained His first priests with the words, "Do this in memory of me."

    I really don't understand Pope Francis. This is just too much. It's heartbreaking just to speculate on what St. Mary Magdalen's promotion to the College could mean. Is Pope Francis opening up Christ's holy priesthood to women?

    St. Mary Magdalen, pray that it isn't so. Pray for us.

    1. "This is just too much. It's heartbreaking just to speculate on what St. Mary Magdalen's promotion to the College could mean. Is Pope Francis opening up Christ's holy priesthood to women?"

      Winner winner, chicken dinner!

    2. English translation of the Preface of the Mass of Mary Magdalene Apostle to the Apostles:

      It is truly right and just,
      our duty and our salvation,
      that in all things we proclaim you, almighty Father,
      whose mercy is not less than your power,
      through Christ our Lord.
      He appeared to Mary Magdalene openly in the garden,
      for indeed she loved him while he was living,
      she saw him dying on the cross,
      she searched for him lying in the tomb,
      and she was the first to worship him rising from the dead;
      and he honored her with the office of apostle
      in the presence of the apostles,
      so that the good news of new life
      would reach the ends of the earth.

    3. Is that the English translation from the Tridentine Latin Mass- the Preface of the Mass in commemoration of St.Mary Magdaline, or the Novus Ordo? There's a big difference between the two of them. If it came from the Tridentine Latin Mass, that's legit.
      If from the Novus Ordo only, red flag warning ! :)
      Damian Malliapalli

    4. It is the approved translation authorized by the Congregation of the Sacraments and Divine Worship.
      You're waiving red flags. Cardinal Robert Sarah, the Prefect of said Congregation, isn't waiving any flags.

    5. Anthony, get real. She was sent to inform the Apostles, thus a small 'a' apostle; not and NEVER a capital 'A' Apostle. She herself would be horrified at the comparison.

      The Eastern Churches have always referred to her as "egual to the Apostles" (of course they refer to Constantine with that appellation too, but I digress), but there is no group on earth less likely to even entertain the thought of female ordination than the Easterns. This current Roman lot however are mostly leftist, liberal, marxist politicians in robes...they do not anything without an agenda in mind. They play a long game, and it's been progressing apace. AL (aka "The Joy of Sodomy") has the end-game of sodomy sanctification, and this latest move is aimed directly at female ordination.

      no. doubt.

    6. It seems as if, even if St. Mary Magdalene were considered an Apostle, why now? Why this, today, on the heels of the opening of a commission by him, just last week.

    7. "...on the heels of the opening of a commission by him, just last week"


  5. Perfect stunt to pave the way for the "ordination" of women. The destroyer "Pope" is pulling all the stops out now - he must know his time is short.

  6. Dear Gabriel, one cannot compare Mary Magdalene to St. Paul, for the latter one wrote an immense body of work under the guidance of the Holy Spirit of Christ and as one of the two columns of the Holy Catholic Church (the other one being St. Peter).
    Paul's contribution is inestimable in regards to Christianity.

    On the other hand, the only alleged written contribution of Mary Magdalene rests in the unapproved and strange-sounding apocryphal gospel of gnostic origins which was unfairly credited to her.
    She became a holy woman and a great example for all of us, sinners, who are in constant battle with our weaknesses. But she cannot be included among the holy Apostles of Christ, or else Our Lady's crown of twelve stars is to now be deemed as incorrect.

    But God is never wrong.

    We must not be surprised that the False Prophet ("pope" Francis) rejoices in the warping of our faith, for he was sent to be the very same destroyer of the Catholic Church of whom St. Francis of Assisi prophesied long ago.

    1. I'm trying to figure out how he is out during the day.

    2. Tancred,

      I wish you'd have left his comment in. He wasn't snotty to anyone, and his comments, when he is not being snotty, illustrate how dishonest, tendentious, and shallow the endgame players of Modernism are.

    3. How who is out during the day? Francis or Gaybriel?

  7. Pope Francis is such a destructive and terrible pope. I would rather have Alexander the VI: corrupt and sinful in his personal life but he never harmed the Catholic Faith the way that Francis has.

  8. I read about Alexander VI, and it's amazing that when it came to the Church itself, he was one of the first to talk about reforming the Church, doing away with some abuses, and making the training of priests and the lives of the clergy stricter. But he lived in the age of corrupt kings, and huge courts. Personally, he was as corrupt as any European monarch, with mistresses and illegitimate children. But to his credit he didn't hide anything. He acknowledged his past sins and failings, and had proper regret for them. Unfortunatly he has a bad reputation because of his politics, his personal life, and his children. But when it came solely to the Catholic Faith, he was a better Pope than the present Francis by far.
    Damian Malliapalli

    (When Francis dies...perhaps soon, I think there will be a big backlash against his memory, deeds and decisions by not only the next Pope, but by priests, bishops and Cardinals. His crowd of admirers will disappear the moment the new Pope steps onto St. Peter's balcony. It'll be that fast.
    I have a friend who is a nun in Rome, and I know enough Italian to read the Roman and other newspapers.
    Francis is NOT popular in Italy at all. I wouldn't say hated.....but it's close to that)

  9. Read the definition of "apostle" in the Catechism. You will see that the term is linked to the male priesthood. Who thought this one up? The next Pope will reverse this, AL, and so much more.

    I have to laugh about Bergie taking a page out of the US Gov't (Democrat Edition) handbook, which in turn is the minor league edition of the totalitarian handbook. (I. e. if you need to take over a country and want to make it a fait accompli to the democracies, march in on a Sunday). If you want to present a fait accompli, announce it late Friday afternoon.

    Speaking of transparency, the Vatican website edition of the CCC has no glossary, and the print of the USCCB website version is too small to read and the medium is not user friendly. Thankfully, the Diocese of Madison published a readable version, but the format doesn't allow copying and pasting.

  10. Looks like someone's fave theologians are the Divines Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln.

    1. Barney's on the jungle juice again.
      .09 this time.

    2. ^Based on these kinds of posts, I don't see the need to tolerate anything else Faebriel posts.

    3. Like water of a duck's back, Tancred. The old boy is a one-trick pony and never had anything new and material to add to any discussion. Let him put his dentures back in and rage.

    4. And he lashed out because my 9:02 comment hit too close to home.

    5. I kind of wanted to steer away from the Shalom Home, lunchroom Lenin commentary.

    6. Gotcha. And it is your website.

      Just trying to be charitable to the UnChristian Christian. You made me recall that the advertising of the late 60's or early 70s was dominated by the "Uncola." I don't recall, though I was too young at the time to follow up on the ROI, that the commercial propaganda effort was productive. Therefore, you are charitable to cut off the cybertime, or, as he would put it, airtime, that involves his own propaganda, namely recycled fashionable ideas from 100 years ago, and his own genius.

    7. It doesn't matter if he's refuted, he comes back again and again with the same old vintage 60s ecclesiology.

  11. Pope Francis told ,the entire world knows ,that he will go to his Father's house in two or three years .
    May he clarify it ? To which Father's house ? In Heaven or HELL. Now he says he will not die; how is to be called, a joker or senseless man who forgets whatever he says in a few days,rather hours ? What a pathetic image he creates for himself ? Let those around him tell him that he has become a laughing stock and mad man.

  12. This is just a stepping stone toward lady deacons. Hooray for us wymyns.

    Surely anyone with half an orthodox brain can see that this is not a pope.

    Seattle kim

    1. And why are you fraudulently pretending to be considered a female?

    2. ?? Wow never been accused of woman fraud before.

      Seattle kim

    3. I think he's just jealous of your lady-parts kim...the rainbow chasuble wearers always are.

    4. Hahaha! That must be it!!😜

      Seattle kim

  13. I think Pope Francis, who is good at predicting his own death, or reversing his prediction at a whim, will be taken by death very suddenly. He will appear fine one week, and gone the next.
    Remember that Capuchin priest, Fr. Volpi, who Bergoglio appointed shortly after his election to destroy the traditional Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate? He was elderly, like Bergoglio. He ranted and raved against Catholic Bergoglio. He was vindictive, vicious, and Bergoglio. He seemed fine, and was planning to go after the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate and destroy them, like he had attempted with the friars. He was fine one week, struck down by a stroke the next week, and dead the week following. Something like that is likely to happen to Francis not to long from now.
    Damian Malliapalli

    1. If francis keels over in september (a time, two times and half a time, given over to "change the times and the law"), I think we can be pretty confident that all this muck has been just the warm-up.

  14. I've read a few predictions by saints and mystics about a time in the Church when we will have what they call the "Anti-Christ", someone who is elected Pope, looks like a Pope, but preaches opposite to Catholic and Church tradition, and who embraces all manner of heresy and novelties and causes scandal. St. Francis' prediction of that type of Pope is nearly 800 years old, but Blessed Katherine Emmerich's statements of the same type of Pope are only 150+ years old...and of course, there is the Third Secrete of Fatima, which many say point to a time like this in the Church.
    The one good thing about all these predictions...from that of St. Francis 800 years ago, to that of St. Alphonsus Ligouri 250+ years ago, Saint John Bosco and Blessed Katherine Emmmerick 150+ years ago etc is that ALL state that the Pope who causes this crisis in the Church will have a brief reign...not a long one. John XXIII had a brief reign (4 1/2 years), but he wasn't a heretic. You can't call Paul VI's reign (1963-78) as brief. Benedict XVI's reign was brief (7 1/2 years....but he voluntarily left, so that does not count). It depends on your definition of brief. Ten years is not brief.
    I'd say (hope), that two years from now, Francis will be only a bad memory, and we'll have a true Catholic as Pope again. Let's keep our prayers going and fingers crossed for that.
    Damian Malliapalli

  15. "Pope Francis told ,the entire world knows ,that he will go to his Father's house in two or three years .
    May he clarify it ? To which Father's house ? In Heaven or HELL"

    P.J. David wrote this. One of the best comments 'cause it's true. Which house will Francis go to, a place in God the Father's glory of Heaven...or a seat in the realm of the Father of Lies and Evil?
    Francis alternatingly has said he expects to die soon....and also he expectes a long reign.
    Funny thing is that people who openly boast about going to live 15-20-30 more years very often don't make it. It's like they're tempting God, and God surprises them with death, and has the last laugh.
    If Francis is stupid enough as to make the comment that "I've going to live another 20 years", he's in for a big surprise around the corner.
    Damian Malliapalli

  16. Get off it Daminan. The hatred and contempt you have for Pope Francis has become pathological.
    Get help.

    1. Mincent,

      Looks like you're at .10 yourself. Harharharhar.

      Seriously I hope they took away the keys. A man of your age with your judgment shouldn't be handling heavy, powerful, speedy machinery.

    2. I hate Pope Francis as Pope, not as a human being or even as a priest. I hate his brand of theology, his agenda, actions,initiatives and his favoritism of a certain group of radical liberals. Together with them he is destroying the Church. Do I hate the destruction of my Faith and the denegration of its tradition by this Pope and his associates? Of course. Do I hate direction Francis is trying to steer the Church? Of course. But do I hate the man...the person? No, of course not. That would be sick. I wish the defeat of his angeda...but I don't wish ill of the person.
      I can speculate (and that's all it is), where by his actions I think Francis may be heading when he dies....but that doesn't mean I wish him there. That would be sick too.
      So just to that no one thinks I am a crazy person....I hate the radical direction Francis and his people what to take the Church. I thiunk they are wrong, and sinful. But I don't wish them dead, or sick, incapacitated or anything else. Retired and out of the picture.. yeah. But physically dead etc? Of course not!!
      Damian Malliapalli

    3. We all know that you don't hate the person're a good and innocent soul. But yes, certainly, hate what they're doing in the raping of the beautiful Bride of Christ; and speak out loudly about it.

    4. Thank you Susan for your nice comment! I just thought I had to qualify myself, because sometimes when I posted things, sme other people apparently didn't like the comments and labeled me as "Babu" or "the dog-faced boy", etc.. HAHAHAHA!
      Damian Malliapalli

  17. Yes, the Greeks call S Mary Magdalene "equal to the Apostles". But this implies that, while she has the same spiritual dignity, she is not actually an apostle.

    It's like the head of a hospital saying that Nurse Sarah is "the equal of any of our doctors". He means that Sarah is not actually a doctor but that she is as skilled as any of the hospital's doctors.

    So Bergoglio is not being ecumenical; he is perverting the Eastern tradition.
