The publicist Gaetano Masciullo, author of books on modernism and recently about the struggle of the Freemasons against the church, dares to take a look at what Cardinals are in play for the upcoming conclave as papabili.
To Francis: Who are the Papabili?
By Gaetano Masciullo*
[Edit: surprisingly he omitted the evil Dominican Cardinal Schönborn. Perhaps the Austrian Pornokardinal is too tired after years of extolling Freemasonry and insulting Christ?]
Today, the Cardinal College consists of 252 purple supporters, 138 of which cardinals are voting in the conclave. No less than 149 of all living wearers of the purple (or 60 percent) were appointed by Francis. It is even 80 percent of the papal voters! Only 103 of the living cardinals were appointed by the predecessors of today's head of the Church. In the twelve years of his pontificate, we have experienced a very high number of consistories and cardinal appointments, many of which come from the world and the church or - as we prefer to say today - come from the "margins".
This is apparently a way to give those people a voice that have so far been pushed to the margins in the management of the Church. After his departure, the choice of a Pope "according to his own image and likeness", who is capable and willing to promote the work of a profound neomodernist Revolutionation of the nature of the Catholic Church and in particular to complete or at least continue.
There are two effects that Francis has caused by creating so many "peripheral" cardinals. First, the majority of today's cardinals are not familiar with the complex curial logic of power. Second, the members of the college do not know each other in their large majority. This paves the way for the second phase of the strategy: in the hope that the selected cardinals are "grateful" for the title they have received and are aware that they are all of more or less progressive Tendencies correspond within contemporary Catholic theology to combine in the conclave and to support the "Franciscan" party of the college, which means those cardinals that actively pursue the Bergoglian agenda which party - as we will see - is not as a majority - as capable as it may seem.
In order to close this large gap in knowledge among the cardinals, the well -known Vaticanists Edward Pentin and Diane Montagna did a work that is as necessary as it were commendable. The College of Cardinals Report is an interactive website that offers a short but not superficial overview of the most important data in the college as a whole, but also via the individual cardinals.
In this way, every cardinal can deal with the profiles of his "most prominent" colleagues and hand over his vote in a much more well -informed way. This website could serve as a damper for Bergoglio as mentioned above if it is circulated among the princes of the Church. Mind you: I don't say that these are the intentions of Pentin and Montagna, it is just my own consideration.
With the help of this invaluable instrument, which is now accessible to everyone, we can find 22 papabili among the cardinals and among them 12 particularly outstanding. If we imagine that these cardinals are distributed according to a "parliamentary" seating arrangement, whereby the cardinals, who are most eager to protect Catholic tradition, are on the right side and the most radical neomodernists on the left, the following picture arises.
In the red I highlighted the cardinals that are most positive about tradition. In violet I marked the papabili, who are not expressly or obviously friends of the Catholic tradition (especially the liturgical tradition), which can nevertheless be considered conservative as the Ratzinger line and following from theological, moral and pastoral perspective. It can be seen that the traditionalists and conservatives are largely the majority, even if you could believe that, but maybe it will help us to understand why Francis chose the strategy described above.
In the left area we find the most progressive wing of the papal candidates. In the cobalt -colored area, we find three cardinals that could be described as "moderate", very discreet in their statements, which most likely sympathize with the "Franciscan" party. Finally, in the blue part we find the actual Franciscan party, those who repeatedly referred to Bergoglio as his favorites and protégés (in truth, his dauphine has experienced more and less favor from the seer in recent years). The names of the most promising candidates are written in fat white letters.
Assuming that the "Franciscan" party suffers a defeat in the conclave, it is appropriate to supplement our brief analysis of the papal election with a premise. After the death of Bergoglio, the Church will need a very brave and strong one, but above all a young pope who can resolve the damage caused in recent years. If there are no unforeseen events, it will take at least twenty years to put things in liturgical, doctrinal, moral and legal terms, not to mention the problems in the administration of the Vatican, the IOR and many other serious problems, which were created long before this pontificate.
If the cardinals want to go the authentic path of the Catholic counter -revolution, they need a young candidate, and in the current list there are very few who would be suitable for this project, except perhaps Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa (59 years), who was named by Francis himself. It is therefore not to be ruled out that the cardinals decide to look outside of this list in the vote. To show interest in some outsiders, such as, for example, the very young Canadian Francis Leo (53), who was also made Cardinal by Francis.
Another element must be taken into account: dissatisfaction among the cardinals is widespread. These twelve years were difficult to cope with even for those who are very close to the favored group of St. Gallen. Therefore, one could also make the following consideration. In the event of the death of Francis, many cardinals that have previously set forth cautiously and discreetly can express their contrary positions openly. As is well known, Fiducia Supplicans triggered great outrage and disappointment with African cardinals, who were originally very close to the Bergoglian agenda. In the event of a abdication from Francis (a view that is unlikely but should not be completely excluded), these cardinals could safeguard the profile of discretion, and in this case the choice could fall on a "compromise" candidate while the time Wait to fulfill your duty.
The traditionalists and conservatives among the papabili
So let's start with the more traditionalist wing. The most broadest right of everyone is the American Cardinal Raymond Burke, who does not have to be presented. He is a decisive opponent of women's deaconate, the blessing of homosexuals, the abolition of priestly celibacy, the restriction of the Tridentine Mass, the secret contracts with the People's Republic of China, Communion for remarried divorced and overcoming Humanae Vitae, but it is very unlikely that he will be elected to the papacy. Recently he even spoke positively about Donald Trump, which certainly annoyed a large part of the cardinals. Nevertheless, Burke will surely play an outstanding role in coordinating the anti-Franciscan party, which also explains the numerous attempts by the current owner of the Cathedra Petri in recent years to restrict and hinder his work.
Then there is the Guyanese Cardinal Robert Sarah, who is named on the Pentin and Montagna website as one of the twelve favorites. This is probably due to his African origin: he would be the first African Pope after Gelasius I, who was Pope in the 5th century. In the six-sided article, which was published by Paris-Match in July 2022, he is described as a person with "enormous influence". Nevertheless, Cardinal Sarah has never publicly expressed his active interest in the papal election. Instead, he continued to write, preach and give interviews and concentrated on the "defense of faith". During the past conclave, he was not one of the favorite papabili. However, it is known how much silent help Sarah was offered by Benedict XVI. in the promotion of loyalty to Church teaching, and maybe this will be taken into account with the conclave.
The German Cardinal Gerhard Müller, former prefect of the Congregation for the Faith, is considered theologically Orthodox and at the same time is firmly behind the teachings of the second Vatican Council. Müller represents traditional positions in several questions, rejects the consecration of women to diaconate and defends against changes in priestly celibacy and defends Ritus in Latin. He has criticized the German synodal path and what he perceives as a deviation from established Church teaching. As a critic of globalism and the 2030 agenda, he publicly expressed doubts and questions about the actions of Francis, but endeavors to avoid direct criticism of the Pope. However, the liturgy does not seem to be his priority.
The Uruguayan Cardinal Daniel Fernando Sturla Berhouet has a strongly Ratzingerian line. He sees the fight against institutionalized secular culture and the increasing spread of a religious feeling without God as a challenge for the Church. He often emphasizes the central importance of the Eucharist for life. He has a severe judgement of Fiducia Supplicans and described the document as "ambiguous, divisive and confusing". He too is very skeptical about synodality.
The Italian cardinal Mauro Piacenza has demonstrated administrative skills and deep spiritual sensitivity, properties that would make him suitable for the management of the Church not only in Italy, but worldwide. He is an advocate of orthodoxy and highly regarded as a . Although he has not yet publicly commented on the question of Traditionis Custodes, he is aware that he decidedly rejects any restriction of the traditional form of Roman Rite in private conversations. As a lover of teaching clarity, he repeatedly emphasizes the beauty and effectiveness of the sacrament of Confession as a remedy for individual evil. Attention is of particular importance that Piacenza is devoted to the reform of the clergy: he often emphasized how important it is that the priests are well trained in teaching and are up to date in moral and bioethical questions. However, his old age (80) does not make him a primary candidate.
In contrast to the (perhaps still little-known) Singalese Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, who has held many functions over the years, from the pastor to the bishop in various dioceses, from Apostolic nuncio to the Curial Officer to Metropolitan Archbishop. As an experienced polyglott, some see him as a figure that stands in perfect continuity to Benedict XVI.. His geographical origin also speaks for him: he comes from the global south, specifically from Asia, an area in which the Church grows quickly. On the liturgical level, he supported elements such as the restoration of the choir lofts or the communion rails and the kneeling oral communion. He also shares some pastoral elements with Pope Francis, such his concern for the poor. However, this is another element in order to consider him a potential desired candidate also of those cardinals who are not traditionalists.
The Dutch Cardinal Willem Eijk is considered another favorite for the papal office, since he is characterized by several characteristics. As a great expert for bioethical questions due to his medical and theological training, he is known for his adherence to Catholic teaching and his willingness to defend it, even with unpopular topics such as Humanae Vitae and the indissolubility of marriage. He also showed great skill in the financial and pastoral restructuring of the dioceses in which he worked, corrected liturgical abuses and promoted new initiatives for young people. As an archbishop, he had to put the challenges of sexual abuse by clergy by establishing committees and aid programs. As a strongly Marian-shaped purple bearer, he spoke out against women's ordination, blessing of same-sex couples and gender theories.
The Hungarian Cardinal Péter Erdő is another top candidate. Born and raised under the communist regime, Erdő learned first -hand what it means to defend religious freedom for Catholics. As an internationally recognized canonist, his appointment as a general rapporteur for family synods (2014 and 2015), a position that is traditionally reserved for a potential successor of the Pope further increases his reputation. He is unanimously considered a man of equanimity and unity, who is able to enter into dialogue with different positions within the Church. Although he prefers the Novus Ordo, he is ready to allow the traditional form. Ultimately, Erdő seems to be the perfect candidate if the cardinals want to choose someone who will continue the Church on the conservative line in the sense of Ratzinger, without giving the impression of an abrupt change of course to Francis.
The aforementioned Italian Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa is considered "too young" by some, but maybe this element could favor him (let's not forget the logic that raised the young Wojtyla on the Throne of Peter). His experience and leadership qualities result from his long service in such an important and complex region as the Holy Land. This experience gives him a balanced view and the ability to dialogue with the various religious and political communities in this area of the world. His biblical and linguistic training is another distinguishing feature. He is considered a man of impartiality and openness and is able to combine loyalty to tradition with a sharp view of modernity. His Franciscan spirituality and concern for the poor and suffering are other elements that could make him interesting for the members of the Francis party.
The profile of the Italian cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, even if he is no longer available (82 years old), seems perfect in the event that the cardinals decide on a "transitional man of patience", who according to the internal divisions within the Church, nevertheless, continues a traditional approach and conservative leadership distinct from Pope Francis. He has human and spiritual qualities that would make him a relevant and respected personality.
The Burmese Cardinal Charles Maung Bo seems to be the ideal candidate for the choice of a Pope who has a great pastoral experience in difficult contexts and places a pastoral focus on human rights and social justice (in this regard he would be valued by the Bergoglians) As well as a deep understanding of the challenges of the Asian world, which seems to become more and more important in the life of the Church. However, BO is also a strong supporter of the synodality funded by Pope Francis. He believes that it is important to listen to the voices of all members of the Church.
The Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet was a strong candidate for the papacy during the 2013 conclave, but has had to find in recent years that his reputation decreased as a favorite for the papal office. One of the factors that initially made him was his great experience in the Church due to his decades of leadership in today's episcopacy. His commitment to unity and the community within the Church were other factors that spoke for him because he is considered a "conservative prelate with a modern perspective". On the liturgical level, he has shown a particularly hostile attitude towards the traditional liturgy under the pontificate of Francis.
The Swedish Cardinal Anders Arborelius, born in Switzerland, who praised by Francis in 2022 as "a person who can show us the way into the future" is also a papabile. He is known for his open and optimistic personality and has extensive experience in the service of the Church, since he holds several important positions, including the chair of the Scandinavian Bishops' Conference and membership in various Vatican dicastries. He is a strong sponsor of interreligious dialogue (one should not forget that he himself is a convert from the Lutheran to the Catholic Church) and is perceived as a very modest and selfless person: properties that are very appreciated in a Pope, especially according to the experiences with Bergoglio.
The "moderate" and neomodernistic papabile
Now we come to the other wing of the list of favorites. Let's start with the "moderate" modernists. These are three cardinals that have not yet been controversial, but this cautious silence could be a deafening symptom for the crypto modernist.
The French Cardinal Jean-Marc Noël Aveline is viewed by some of Francis as protégé. His commitment in the areas of migration and interreligious dialogue coincides with the priorities of the current incumbent. It is known that the two meet regularly in the Vatican, also outside of official working hours, and he is particularly valued by the left -wing political and Church circles. Finally, Aveline supports a strong decentralization in the Church. In view of this last element and there-as mentioned at the beginning-the party of Francis has adopted the will of the St. Gallen-Mafia to revolutionize the concept of papacy itself, Aveline could indeed be a dangerous candidate in the next conclave.
The Congolese Capuchin Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu is a strong advocate of liturgical inculturation and the Zairian rite. After the proclamation of Fiducia Supplicans, Ambongo got into the sights of the media because he criticized the document as inappropriate and even "Eurocentric". In Africa there are indeed different topics than the blessing of homosexual couples. While he defends the traditional values of the Church in questions such as the family and priestly celibacy, he has opened himself to a dialogue on other topics, such as the diaconate of women.
The Italian Cardinal Fernando Filoni is not one of the top candidates for the position of the Pope, but is high in reputation due to his extensive diplomatic and curial experience. However, there are also aspects that could stand in the way of his choice: in particular, he has no experience in the management of dioceses and is identified with the Italian “old guard of bureaucracy”. Perhaps these properties make him the ideal security candidate for the cardinal voters who want to keep the status quo of the church for a while.
With this we get to the real modernists, the revolutionary at the forefront. The Swiss Cardinal Kurt Koch has a comprehensive knowledge of the Church and its theological challenges, which today seem very important when you consider how important it is to preserve the unity of the Church in an environment like the German -speaking world, which is very vulnerable to divisions and schism. He is known for his skepticism towards the German synodal, which could arouse the sympathy of some conservative voters, but overall he is not a friend of tradition: In terms of female deaconate, he has obviously commented over the years while he is liturgically regarded for his repeated reconciliation of Vetus and Novus Ordo in order to have only one form as a (Hegelian) synthesis. In short, Koch has many parallels to Ratzinger: a progressive one that has mitigated over time, but is still very modern.
The Italian Cardinal Pietro Parolin is the current State Secretary of the Vatican, a very prominent role in the Roman Curia. In recent years he has repeatedly campaigned for concerns that are considered conservative within the Church, but one should not forget that his actions were always very revolutionary. To tell the truth, Parolin would be the ideal candidate for a pontificate in full continuity with Francis because he would follow the same reforms, but in a less striking and more diplomatic and pragmatic way. Parolin is also considered an advocate of Eastern Policy (Ostpolitik) a strategy of cooperation with enemy powers through compromises and reconciliation, especially in relationships with China. In fact, he played a crucial role in the resumption of direct contacts between the Holy See and Beijing. I personally think that the chances for Parolin to be chosen as the successor to Francis are very high today. However, we must not forget the old Roman saying that the one who goes into the conclave as a Pope comes out as a cardinal.
South African Cardinal Stephen Brislin is apparently a less favorite papal candidate than others, but in the past it has been granted that his choice is technically possible. He expressly speaks for the inclusion of LGBT in the Church and the women's diaconate and considers Víctor Manuel Fernández, the current prefects of the Dicastry, to be one of the "true giants with great intellect and experience". I think it is not necessary to anything else.
The Filipino Cardinal Luis Tagle has long been considered a Bergoglio successor, so much that he has received the nickname "Asian Francis". In 2022, however, he ended his term as President of Caritas Internalis after defects in the facility had been found during an independent examination. These events nourished speculation that Cardinal Tagle has lost the favor of Pope Bergoglio. As a member of the school of Bologna, who, according to the second Vatican Council, has to be interpreted in complete departure from previous teachings and practices, Tagle has expressed and indicated on topics such as communion for sacramental couples and homosexuality that they universal moral principles could not "apply in all situations". He is also a great supporter of the secret agreement between China and the Vatican.
Portuguese Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, although he is not one of the leading papabile, is considered a possible compromise candidate for the next conclave. Despite his relatively young age (59), he is very close to Francis. For the papal electors, who would like a very long pontificate of continuity, certainly heterodox and modernist, with an even larger revolutionary impulse than Francis, this cardinal could be the ideal candidate. In a conclave, he will probably collect voices among his Portuguese and Brazilian brothers, where he should have great influence. In fact, there would be a lot to pray for if he was chosen. ...
After all, we still have the Italian cardinal Matteo Zupi, who is literally the opposite of Cardinal Burke. While the latter never had too many scruples to criticize progressive openings within the Church, to judge them in all clarity and thereby draw the hatred and the dislike of a large part of the world episcopate (not only of the openly modernist), Zuppi has also explicitly pronounced for the more radical neomodernist instances of contemporary theology. In May 2022 he was elected President of the Italian Bishops' Conference. He took part in several synods of the Vatican and sees synodality as "fundamental" for the renewal of the Church. Although he has progressive tendencies, he tries to keep dialogue with Todos, Todos, Todos, even with those who are theologically and liturgically conservative, and to keep the channels open with those who support the liturgy of all time (but who knows whether he would continue this approach as a Pope?).
*Gaetano Masciullo, born in Bari in 1993, studied philosophy and history, freelance publicist, author of several books, in brief “La tiara e la loggia. La Lotta Della Massoneria Contro La Chiesa "(" Tiara and Lodge. The struggle of Freemasonry against the Church ") with a foreword by Don Nicola Bux, Verona 2023.
Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Gaetano Masciullo
Trans: Tancred